Legal information

Company name: Teleos

Registered address: Lausanne – SWITZERLAND

Editor: Sophie Cuendet du Roy

Email: sophie[@]

Phone: +41 78 616 16 80

Webmaster: Marie Rabault

Website ISP: Infomaniak – Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, 1227 Genève, Suisse

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Swiss Board SchoolCertificat d’administratrice et en gouvernance d’entreprise 
Vlerick Business School (Belgique)MBA international 
Barreau du Canton de VaudBrevet d’avocat 
Universités de Genève & LausanneMaster en droit des affaires 
Universités de Lausanne & Bâle Licence en droit 
MITx Theory U - Leading from the Emerging Future
Coaching Square Suisse (accrédité ICF)Coach exécutif (niveau equivalent PCC) et Coach d’équipe (CEE)
Ordinata SuisseFacilitatrice en intelligence collective & Gouvernance participative
Imago® SuisseFacilitatrice relationnelle pour les collectifs


Swiss Board SchoolBoard Certificate
Vlerick Business SchoolMBA
Lausanne BarBar Certificate
Lausanne & Geneva UniversitiesMaster in Business Law
Lausanne & Bâle UniversitiesLaw degree
MITxTheory U - Leading from the Emerging Future
ICF accredited Coaching Square SwitzerlandPCC level Executive Coach and CEE Team Coach
Ordinata SwitzerlandCollective Intelligence & Participative Governance
Imago® SwitzerlandGroup Relationship Facilitator

Professional experience

Board MemberBusiness and impact strategy definition, board effectiveness, legal compliance & risk management
Family Business Advisor Purpose and vision exercise, ownership strategy, family council and corporate board alignment, family governance, succession etc.
Business Lawyer Advised clients in matters ranging from internal organization and commercial relationships to broader financing needs, M&A processes, corporate & family business governance as well as shareholders relationships.
Senior managerRisk mitigation and process optimization
Executive and Team CoachLeadership & high performance teams development
Organizational CoachCulture and systems transformation
Innovation CoachDesign thinking and Business model canvas facilitation