Privacy Policy

Privacy statement

Teleos takes the issue of privacy seriously. We recognise that, when you provide us with information about yourself or your business, you are trusting us to act in a responsible manner and we are committed to making sure that we earn that trust.

The present Privacy Policy details how we use information that you provide us, or that we collect through your use of our website. Please note that by visiting our site, you are accepting the practices described in this policy.

Who is responsible for your Personal Data? ​

We collect, process, use, transmit and store (together the « Processing ») personal information and data relating to you (« Personal Data ») in relation to your use of our website and/or you submitting information in the context of exploring a new business relationship. For any question or objection you may have in relation to this Privacy Policy, you may contact us at the following address:​


How do we handle your Personal Data? ​

This Privacy Policy relates to our Processing of Personal Data. We are responsible for the Processing of Personal Data as detailed in this Privacy Policy. In the course of our activities, we operate under certain confidentiality and secrecy obligations; Personal Data is subject to the same obligations. This Privacy Policy does not replace nor supercede any applicable contractual terms and conditions.​

What Personal Data do we process? ​

When you visit we collect information that helps us understand how people use our website so that we can continue to make it more useful and valuable over time. No information we collect in this way is directly or indirectly traceable back to a specific person. In addition to gathering basic usage information, we also collect information that helps us monitor network traffic and enables us to identify unauthorised or unusual activity on the site.

The specific Personal Data we collect may include:

  • Name of the domain and host from which you access the internet, internet protocol address of the host server you are using, names and version of your web browser, the date and time you access our site, and the internet address of the site from which you linked to us;
  • Any relevant additional information available from publicly available sources, subscription-based providers or information provided by other third parties;
  • Cookie information and similar technologies on websites and in emails (please read below).

Do we share your personal data with third parties? ​

Provided it is legally required or authorised, we reserve the right to disclose Personal Data to the following recipients:​

  • Public administration, tax authorities and courts;​
  • Regulatory authorities;​
  • Auditors;​
  • Legal advisors.​

We otherwise do not to transfer, distribute, sell or lease your Personal Data to third parties. 

How long do we store your Personal Data for? ​

We retain your Personal Data for as long as it is required to achieve the Purposes. We delete or anonymise your Personal Data once we no longer need them to achieve the Purposes, provided that there are no applicable legal or regulatory requirements to store Personal Data for a longer period, or we do not need such information to establish, exercise and/or defend actual or potential legal claims, investigation, arbitration or similar proceedings.​

What are your rights in connection with data protection? ​

Subject to the applicable local data protection legislation, your rights in relation to your Personal Data are as follow:​

  • To request and receive a copy of your Personal Data;​
  • To amend your Personal Data; ​
  • To request the destruction of your Personal Data if it is no longer necessary for the Purposes;​
  • To object to the use of your Personal Data for our advertising or marketing activtities, in which case we will not use your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes;​
  • To object to the Processing of your Personal Data, in which case we will no longer process your Personal Data unless the Processing of your Personal Data is legally mandatory, necessary to the performance of a contract to which you are a party to, necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, or necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests we follow, including the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;​
  • To access our guidelines relating to transferring of your Personal Data outside of the European Union or Switzerland;​
  • To file a complain in relation to the Processing of you Personal Data and to file a complaint in relation to the Processing of your Personal Data with the relevant data protection authority.


Swiss Board SchoolCertificat d’administratrice et en gouvernance d’entreprise 
Vlerick Business School (Belgique)MBA international 
Barreau du Canton de VaudBrevet d’avocat 
Universités de Genève & LausanneMaster en droit des affaires 
Universités de Lausanne & Bâle Licence en droit 
MITx Theory U - Leading from the Emerging Future
Coaching Square Suisse (accrédité ICF)Coach exécutif (niveau equivalent PCC) et Coach d’équipe (CEE)
Ordinata SuisseFacilitatrice en intelligence collective & Gouvernance participative
Imago® SuisseFacilitatrice relationnelle pour les collectifs


Swiss Board SchoolBoard Certificate
Vlerick Business SchoolMBA
Lausanne BarBar Certificate
Lausanne & Geneva UniversitiesMaster in Business Law
Lausanne & Bâle UniversitiesLaw degree
MITxTheory U - Leading from the Emerging Future
ICF accredited Coaching Square SwitzerlandPCC level Executive Coach and CEE Team Coach
Ordinata SwitzerlandCollective Intelligence & Participative Governance
Imago® SwitzerlandGroup Relationship Facilitator

Professional experience

Board MemberBusiness and impact strategy definition, board effectiveness, legal compliance & risk management
Family Business Advisor Purpose and vision exercise, ownership strategy, family council and corporate board alignment, family governance, succession etc.
Business Lawyer Advised clients in matters ranging from internal organization and commercial relationships to broader financing needs, M&A processes, corporate & family business governance as well as shareholders relationships.
Senior managerRisk mitigation and process optimization
Executive and Team CoachLeadership & high performance teams development
Organizational CoachCulture and systems transformation
Innovation CoachDesign thinking and Business model canvas facilitation