Facilitating Family Enterprise Resilience and Performance

As family business governance and leadership advisor, I act as an independent partner for medium to large family-owned companies in their governance, strategy and transformation projects to stay fit for the future.

Building on my rich, diverse and international experience over the last 20 years , I have developed in depth complementary skills, in particular legal and governance expertise, strong business & strategic acumen as well as a deep understanding of culture and relationships at leadership and ownership levels.

As a member of the 5th generation of two former family businesses, I also have first-hand experience in the complex world of FB. At my generation, we continue to undertake joint development and investment projects through our own family structure.

Sophie Cuendet du Roy

Services to accompany you

In my work I support shareholders, board of directors and leadership teams to tailor their organization to the needs of their family and the changing environment.

All my services aim at allowing global family enterprise alignment within and across each level – Family, Board and C-suite – including

Purpose & vision definition

Ownership, impact & sustainability strategy

Family governance and processes, both hard (structures and processes) and soft (group dynamics, leadership and communication culture)

Succession planning and transmission process

Board efficiency

Leadership culture alignment at C-Level

Family, Board & C-Level alignment

Purpose, vision and governance setting

Investment strategy definition

Skills include:

Mission, vision & strategy setting

Leadership, culture & systems resilience to drive transformation and performance

Legal, compliance and risk management

Business and innovation strategy

Organizational capability building


“It is not the strongest of the species that survives but the most adaptable”

Charles Darwin


Robust and proper governance results from two balanced pillars, a hard and soft one. 

On the hard side, I accompany my clients setting good governance bodies and processes to guarantee fairness and transparence, and thus trust. Specialized in collective intelligence, I always work with participative decision-making processes and systems change methodologies in which my clients can co-construct their vision and decisions thus be autonomous actors of their future. This guarantees the sustainability of the solutions they design.

On the soft side, I place particular emphasis on family and team dynamics, proposing listening and dialogue tools and frameworks that enhance and develop collaborative skills and allow my clients to (re)build trust, ease their relationships, develop brave and empathetic communication and ultimetely choose resilience over reactivity. 

Specific industries


Business strategy and sustainability

Real estate

Residential development, investment and estate management


Compliance & Risk management

Impact investing

Agritech, Medtech, Cosmetics & Renewable energies

About me

I have served as a business lawyer in Lausanne (former Carrard & Associés, now Kellerhals Carrard law firm) and Brussels Bars (Liederkerke, Wolters, Waelbroek Kirkpatrick law firm), then in various management positions for international companies, including Philip Morris, Ethicon (a J&J company) and HSBC.

In the last years, I worked as a leadership, teams, family business and innovation coach for IMD Business School in Lausanne. I now contribute as a senior advisor and guest lecturer for IMD’s Global Family Business Center.

I also sit as a qualified expert on the Supervisory Board of a large European family conglomerate, whose aim is both to ensure that the family vision and governance are well attended to and to validate the conglomerate’s business and impact strategy.

Professional experience

Sophie Cuendet du Roy

Lausanne, Switzerland
Mob: +41 78 616 16 80
Mail: sophie@teleos.ch

Follow me on Linkedin


Swiss Board SchoolCertificat d’administratrice et en gouvernance d’entreprise 
Vlerick Business School (Belgique)MBA international 
Barreau du Canton de VaudBrevet d’avocat 
Universités de Genève & LausanneMaster en droit des affaires 
Universités de Lausanne & Bâle Licence en droit 
MITx Theory U - Leading from the Emerging Future
Coaching Square Suisse (accrédité ICF)Coach exécutif (niveau equivalent PCC) et Coach d’équipe (CEE)
Ordinata SuisseFacilitatrice en intelligence collective & Gouvernance participative
Imago® SuisseFacilitatrice relationnelle pour les collectifs


Swiss Board SchoolBoard Certificate
Vlerick Business SchoolMBA
Lausanne BarBar Certificate
Lausanne & Geneva UniversitiesMaster in Business Law
Lausanne & Bâle UniversitiesLaw degree
MITxTheory U - Leading from the Emerging Future
ICF accredited Coaching Square SwitzerlandPCC level Executive Coach and CEE Team Coach
Ordinata SwitzerlandCollective Intelligence & Participative Governance
Imago® SwitzerlandGroup Relationship Facilitator

Professional experience

Board MemberBusiness and impact strategy definition, board effectiveness, legal compliance & risk management
Family Business Advisor Purpose and vision exercise, ownership strategy, family council and corporate board alignment, family governance, succession etc.
Business Lawyer Advised clients in matters ranging from internal organization and commercial relationships to broader financing needs, M&A processes, corporate & family business governance as well as shareholders relationships.
Senior managerRisk mitigation and process optimization
Executive and Team CoachLeadership & high performance teams development
Organizational CoachCulture and systems transformation
Innovation CoachDesign thinking and Business model canvas facilitation